64 bit PCI Active Extender Card w/ switchable bus isolation.

The PCI-EXT+64U is a high-speed 64-Bit PCI Bus Extender Card with switchable bus isolation switches supporting both 32 and 64 bit PCI Cards. High PCI signal integrity requirements are met with both high speed trace layout parameters, (Controlled high impedance and minimal ground inductance) and active bus isolation with low capacitance, resistance and delay to insure minimal effect on board under test. Special power monitoring and current limiting features insure a robust debug and test environment.

The PCI-EXT+64U has a slot power switch which isolates every PCI Signal and power from the board-under-test.


  • 5 Volt and 3.3 Volt Power LEDs
  • 32 or 64 bit PCI Slot capacity
  • Slot Power ON/OFF switch, Bus-Switches
  • 3 and 5 Volt Current Probe Points
  • External Power for Unit Under Test/UUT
  • Auto Overload Protect on +5V & +3V supplies
  • Auto RST# control
  • Hot Insertion capable
  • Live Insertion software included for saving and restoring the PCI configuration registers on the UUT, for quick board-swapping


The pass-through PCI Extender allows any 32 or 64 bit PCI bus board to be installed in the same slot location as the PCI-EXT+64U. It provides test points for all PCI bus signals for easy logic analyzer or test probe access.

The PCI-EXT+64U provides a robust test environment with overload and undervoltage-disconnect features integrated on the board. These features provide full test capability while safeguarding the host system and UUT(Unit Under Test) from many conditions that may cause damage to the host system or mother-board. An additional safety feature is provided by current overload cutoff feature. This allows a user to select one of three power overload threshold ranges of 15, 25 or 35 watts. Each switch position sets the point at which the extender board will limit power to the board under test when current consumption is detected in excess of the selected value.

The PCI extender's advanced power measurement capability allows real-time power measurement of the UUT. To use this feature, a voltmeter, oscilloscope or other recording device can be connected with the positive lead to either the 5 I or 3.3 I white test point connector and negative lead to the black test point. The voltage output read on these connectors has a 1:1 voltage to amperage correspondence.� For example a reading of 4.4 volts would correspond to 4.4 amperes or .680 volt would correspond to 680 milliamps. This is an ideal way to measure current consumption for different PCI boards or to dynamically measure power consumption during actual board operation.

Size: 5.1"x3.9"

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